Il Massacro di Suruç: dichiarazione di guerra contro il popolo turco e curdo

Suruç è un comune della Turchia, capoluogo dell’omonimo distretto, nella provincia sud orientale della Turchia – o Kurdistan settentrionale – di Şanlıurfa (più comunemente conosciuta come Urfa).
Il 20 luglio 2015 Suruç è stato teatro di una attentato dinamitardo dell’autoproclamato “Stato Islamico” (Isis) diretta verso membri della Sosyalist Gençlik Dernekleri Federasyonu (Federazione delle Associazioni Giovanili Socialiste), in cui 33 persone rimasero uccise e 104 ferite.
I giovani si erano riuniti nella città di Suruç, situata vicino al confine con la Siria, nell’ambito della campagna per il restauro della città di Kobane (in arabo: Ain al-Arab) situata al di là del confine, che rientra di fatto nella regione autonoma del Rojava (Kurdistan occidentale). La città è in rovina dopo mesi di scontri tra le forze curde YPG (People’s Defense Forces) e i militanti del cosiddetto “Stato Islamico”. Dopo la fine delle battaglie all’inizio del 2015, le organizzazioni di sinistra e progressiste in Turchia hanno iniziato una campagna per raccogliere donazioni per aiutare a ripristinare la città di Kobane.

Il 19 luglio, dopo l’appello della Federazione delle Associazioni Giovanili Socialiste (SGDF), giovani, gruppi di anarchici e componenti della Federazione stessa, giungono a Suruç da tutta la Turchia per dirigersi verso la città di Kobane. I giovani portano con loro anche le donazioni che hanno raccolto per gli abitanti della città curda.
Alle 11:50 del 20 luglio, mentre il giovane tiene una conferenza stampa nel cortile del Centro Culturale Amara, un membro del cosiddetto “Stato islamico” fa dotonare gli esplosivi attaccati al suo corpo.

A seguito dell’esplosione, 33 persone sono morte e decine di altre sono rimaste ferite, molte delle quali in gravi condizioni.

Il movimento di sinistra in Turchia accusa il potere fascista, guidato dal presidente Erdoğan, come mandante del massacro. Lo Stato nega queste accuse e chiama il massacro “un incidente”. La sera del 20 luglio, centinaia di persone si sono radunate per strada per protestare contro il massacro fascista. Ci sono proteste di massa nelle città di Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, Hatay, Bursa, Denizli, Izmit, Kayseri, Antep, Çorlu, Batman, Mersin, Çanakkale e nella capitale Ankara. A Istanbul, Mersin, Siirt e la città di Silvan, distretto di Diyarbakir, le proteste sono state attaccate dalla polizia e decine di persone sono state arrestate.

Il giorno dopo, il governo ha annunciato che l’attentatore era il ventenne Seyh Abdurrahman Alagöz, che insieme al fratello Yunus Emre Alagöz, si è unì all’inizio del 2015 tra le file del cosiddetto “Stato Islamico”. Yunus Emre diventerà noto dopo il 10 ottobre dello stesso anno, come uno degli attentatori di Ankara contro gli attivisti filo-curdi, in cui rimasero usccise più di 130 persone: il peggior attacco del genere nella storia della Turchia moderna, avvenuto mentre i partiti politici si preparavano per le elezioni parlamentari il 1 ° novembre. [1]

A partire dalla sera del 20 luglio e nei giorni successive, in alcune parti di Istanbul, e soprattutto nel quartiere di Gazi, situato nella parte europea della città, ci sono sparatorie tra milizie di organizzazioni rivoluzionarie e polizia fascista. Le sparatorie nel quartiere continuano fino al 26 luglio. Durante gli scontri viene ucciso un polizziotto dalla milizia popolare e si contarono diversi altri feriti. Gli scontri sono resi noti dai media con i titoli: “DHKP-C HA INIZIATO UNA RIVOLTA!”

All’alba del 24 luglio, il potere fascista ha iniziato operazioni su larga scala contro i membri del Partito dei Lavoratori del Kurdistan (PKK), del Partito Rivoluzionario Popolare di Liberazione (DHKP-C) e altre organizzazioni di sinistra e rivoluzionarie. Il governo ha dichiarato che le operazioni sono contro “tutti i gruppi terroristici che operano sul territorio del paese”. Ma queste dichiarazioni sono in totale contraddizione con le azioni che ha intrapreso.

Alle 5:00 del mattino dello stesso giorno, le squadre antiterrorismo SWAT hanno fatto irruzione nelle case private del quartiere di Bağcılar di Istanbul. Nell’abitazione di Günay Özarslan, rivoluzionaria, membro del Fronte del Popolo (già precedentemente in carcere per un anno e mezzo poi prosciolta dall’accusa), la polizia fece irruzione direttamente con una testa d’ariete e lei fu uccisa da 15 colpi di pistola.

Il potere fascista e i media borghesi hanno diffuso la menzogna che Günay stava “preparando un attentato suicida” e che lei ha risposto agli appelli alla resa sparando contro gli agenti di polizia. Naturalmente, queste affermazioni sono insostenibili. Questo è evidente anche dalle “azioni investigative” della polizia che per ore non hanno permesso agli avvocati di entrare, per inficiare la zona del delitto e nascondere che non c’era stata alcuna sparatoria. Al contrario di quanto sostenuto dalla polizia infatti, sulla scena del delitto non c’erano segni di conflitto e quindi l’ “incidente” fu una vera e propria esecuzione pubblica. [2]

Solo dopo tre giorni, il 27 luglio, Günay è stata sepolta. Durante il corteo funebre la polizia ha attaccato il popolo e i rivoluzionari che ne presero parte, I quali risposero agli attacchi con pietre e cocktail di Molotov. Gli scontri e le sparatorie durano 80 ore, durante le quali il quartiere di Gazi si trasformò in un campo di battaglia. Il 27 luglio, nel pomeriggio, migliaia di persone salutarono Günay Özarslan per l’ultima volta, mentre veniva sepolta nel cimitero del quartiere di Gazi accanto ai suoi compagni.

Nel frattempo il 24 luglio è iniziato il bombardamento di massa dell’aviazione turca sulle posizioni del PKK nel Kurdistan meridionale (Iraq settentrionale). I bombardamenti continuarono per giorni e, secondo alcune fonti, 190 combattenti del PKK furono uccisi.

Durante questi giorni in tutto il paese si compirono arresti di massa che durarono quasi fino alla fine di luglio. Secondo i dati delle organizzazioni per i diritti umani, in totale furono arrestate 1034 persone, tutti membri di organizzazioni di sinistra e progressiste.

Il 25 luglio, i combattenti del DHKP-C hanno compiuto un attacco armato contro una stazione di polizia nel quartiere Okmeydanı di Istanbul. Nell’azione tre agenti di polizia rimasero feriti, uno dei quali gravemente. In un comunicato il DHKP-C ha annunciato che l’azione era volta a chiedere di rendere conto alla polizia fascista per l’omicidio di Günay Özarslan.

L’8 agosto, i combattenti del DHKP-C hanno compiuto un attacco armato contro la sede del consiglio regionale del partito fascista AKP al potere, situato nel quartiere Sütlüce di Istanbul. In questa occasione una guardia di sicurezza è stata gravemente ferita.

Il 10 agosto, i combattenti del DHKP-C hanno lanciato un attacco armato contro il consolato americano situato nel distretto di Sarıyer a Istanbul. Durante l’attacco, hanno aperto il fuoco sugli agenti di polizia che erano di guardia nell’edificio, e alcuni di loro sono rimasti feriti. Gli altri uscirono fuori e inseguono i combattenti. Nello scoppio di una sparatoria nell’area consolare, la rivoluzionaria Hatice Aşık è stata ferita. Anche se finisce le cartucce continua a resistere. Hatice inizia a lanciare pietre contro i poliziotti che la circondano. La rivoluzionaria allora cinquantunenne fu giudicata colpevole e, durante la prigionia dello stato fascista, gravemente ferita cade in coma.

In un comunicato, il DHKP-C ha annunciato che le azioni armate dell’8 e del 10 agosto miravano a chiamare a rendere conto degli eccidi perpetrati dagli imperialisti americani e dai loro lacchè al potere dell’AKP fascista per il massacro nella città di Suruç e l’assassinio di Günay Özarslan. Il DHKP-C afferma che il presidente Tayyip Erdoğan e l’allora primo ministro Ahmet Davutoğlu si sono incontrati con i rappresentanti degli imperialisti statunitensi il 7-8 luglio dello stesso anno e hanno preso la decisione di distruggere sia il DHKP-C che tutti i movimenti di resistenza in Turchia e in Kurdistan.

Il 19 agosto, i combattenti del DHKP-C hanno compiuto un attacco armato contro gli agenti di polizia a guardia del Palazzo di Dolmabahçe a Istanbul, utilizzato dal primo ministro come ufficio durante le sue visite in città. Diversi agenti di polizia sono rimasti feriti. I combattenti sono riusciti a ritirarsi. DHKP-C ha annunciato che l’azione doveva essere chiamata a rendere conto dell’assassinio dei 33 antifascisti nella città di Suruç, dell’assassinio di Günay Özarslan e della tortura del rivoluzionario catturato Hatice Aşık.

Con il massacro del 20 luglio 2015, lo stato fascista in Turchia segna l’inizio della prima fase della sua massiccia guerra contro il popolo turco e il Kurdistan.


The Suruç Massacre: the beginning of the war declared against the Turkish and Kurdish people

Suruç is a municipality in Turkey, capital of the homonymous district, in the southeastern province of Turkey – or northern Kurdistan – of Şanlıurfa (more commonly known as Urfa).

On July 20, 2015, Suruç was the scene of a bomb attack by the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (Isis) on members of the Sosyalist Gençlik Dernekleri Federasyonu (Federation of Socialist Youth Associations), in which 33 people were killed and 104 injured. Continue reading “The Suruç Massacre: the beginning of the war declared against the Turkish and Kurdish people”

We have said we will the body, and we have got it

In the days of arguments about the body of Günay Özarslan, female Kurdish revolutionary who had been executed in a family house in Istanbul by the police during nationwide raids, the Alevi Center (CEMEVI) in Gazi district was constantly attacked with gas bombs.

The day-long resistance that the members of the Popular Front and the population had undertaken to bury the body of Günay Özarslan–which was held in Cemevi for two days–according to her wish, showed to the people the true face of fascism.

Alevi associations and also the Association of Progressive Lawyers (CHD) gave their opinion on the incidents.

On the morning of July 27th the Alevi association “Alevi Bektasi Federation”, “Anatolian Culture Foundation Haci Bektasi Veli”, the “Cultural Association of Pir Sultan Abdal” and the Alevi Cultural Association “Hubyar Sultan” declared in front of the Istanbul Governorship, that they tried to contact the responsible authorities in relation to the attacks which turned out into an “exercise for massacre”.

The deputies of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) Aykut Erdogdu and Hilmi Yarayıcı and also the representative of HDP Ali Kenanoglu attended the press conference, when finally a delegation was formed for an interview with the governor.

On the same day, the attorneys of CHD had gathered in front of the Caglayan Court to file charges against the police attacks. But they were not spared the attacks by the “security” forces. The lawyers said, that they were forced by the police with shields and even that their colleague Ebru Timtik’s bag was stolen by an official.

The lawyers reported about the way in which their client Günay Özarslan was murdered, and stressed that the so-called “operations against the IS” with methods of the state of emergency was directed against the revolutionary left and socialist parties.

After the lawyers reaffirmed again that there was no confrontation with Günay Özarslan, but this was a real execution that the evidence was obscured in place of the crime and the floors were cleaned up immediately, the victim’s mother, Makbule Özarslan also said a few words.

She reported, that with her daughter and their comrades they were “soaked in gas for 5 days”, that the “water cannons had skin burning chemicals added” and that “many young people were injured in the attacks”.

She also said, that they, because of the attacks directed against them could not even live the pain. “My heart is turned to stone. It is not enough that they murdered my daughter but they even try to prevent that we bury her.”




In the attack by the terrorist organisation ISIL in Sanliurfa/Suruc on 20th July 2015, 32 of our people were killed. Instead of giving account of the massacre, the responsible organized “security” meetings under the title “struggle against terrorizm” and started a war against those who demand justice for the people, against the revolutionaries.

This time the curtain for the war against the people was the struggle against ISIL.

One day after the “security” meeting at the Cankaya Palace, which was held under the presidency of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on 23rd July 2015, they started to raise terror towards the people.

Around 300 people were arrested during the raids in 13 cities of Turkey, which were directed against the people and revolutionaries. 5000 police forces joined the “terrorizing operations” in Istanbul.


Our client is a revolutionary, which struggles for bread, justice and freedom for our people.

The statements, that she’d be “suicide bomber” are only for covering the massacre and a total lie.

The crime of killing Günay ÖZARSLAN was raised by preventing the lawyers to enter the scene of crime despite of their demand in front of all organs.

Without fail the lawyers had to join this crime scene investigation, in which the state prosecutor took part, as well. Forasmuch in an incident, where the perpetrator was the police, the proofs aren’t save at all. Further, investigations regarding a person, which was killed by the police can’t be done by the police itself.

For in that case, the danger of suppression of evidence to protect the institution and ones colleagues is very strong. Even in many cases this was happening.

The suppression of evidence in the murder case of Festus Okey and Ali Ismail Korkmaz, which was issued in separate trials, are exemplary for it in the close history. As soon as our lawyer colleagues heard, that the assassinated person is our client, with the demand of her family, they immediately went to the house, were the execution had taken place.

They reported following:

“The streets were closed by the police, they didn’t let us in. We told them to call the prosecutor or one of their bosses. But they said ‘We informed them, wait’. Neither the prosecutor nor the police chief came to us. They gave neither a single statement to us nor to the older sister of Gunay. The police of a country, whose borders are full of holes, didn’t let the lawyers enter the streets of the country. That’s all they can do. We started a sit-in protest. Meanwhile a ambulance left the scene. We held speeches. People started to gather. We got more and shouted slogans. 3 hours later the police moved away. Immediately we went in the house. Meanwhile the family also came back to their house. The police took their testimony and released them.

According to the explanation of the owner of the house, in which the execution took place, the family who lives there wanted to open the door, but the police forces directly began to break the door with a battering ram.

Our client Gunay Ozarslan is alleged to have said to the family ‘I don’t want you to be harmed. I won’t surrender’. The police then is alleged to have broken up the door and went in. Gunay is alleged to have said that she won’t surrender and went back to the living room. The house owner is alleged to have implored to the police ‘I will give her to you, let her’. The mother of the family is alleged to have tried to convince Gunay, but she said ‘I won’t surrender’, warned the family ‘I don’t want that you get harmed’ and went next to the window. There she is alleged to have shout the slogan ‘You won’t be able to make me surrender!’ The police is alleged to have directly opened the fire and killed our client Gunay Ozarslan.

As execution and suppression of evidence was not enough, the violation of law now continues by not handing over the dead body to the family and lawyers. The injustice has turned to immorality.

Though the prosecution ordered to hand over the body to the family, the police behaves as aggressive, even ignoring this order.

The state has no right to appropriate the health or body of a person. Even in the bourgeois law, the body of a person is only belonging to that person. And after losing ones life the family decides what to to with the dead body. As long as a person is alive, it can take some decisions regarding his body and write that to the testament. But the measurement we lived today is such a reckless, they even try to take revenge from the dead body of Gunay Özaslan and decide not to give it to her family or not to bury her at the place they wish to. This example of maneaters, which has no place in any religion or culture, has become a privileg of the police of the AKP and its justice.

Well, what is the political meaning of all those proceedings, which do not find explanation in the law order?

Whenever they talk about security in a state summit, we know, that they have already given the death sentence for the people and the revolutionaries. We also know that security for the state means death and massacre for the people; freedom for the people means death to a fascist state.

Within this class reality „there’s no middle way, no reconciliation, no peace, and no condition“.

This is not our will, our analysis, but the objective reality. The AKP government has started a new wave of attack against the people to protect its fascist power. It carried the war against the people to a higher level. As the historical struggle experiences against fascism taught „It is not possible to come to an agreement or to make peace with fascism; fascism means hostility to the people and has to be destroyed“.

Even when they base on the word of Nazi Goebbels, who said ‘Tell such a big lie, that no one would have the courage to counter it’, and try to establish plot theories, they won’t be able to hide their lies.

The police of Istanbul has openly murdered another revolutionary with the „lies of terror“ and tries to distort the conscious of the people with the lie it has presented to the bourgeois media.

The won’t be able to distort. Beginning from our client Gunay OZARSLAN, we commemorate with respect all revolutionaries who lived and gave their lives for the people. We promise that we will raise their heritage of struggle for the right to resist and for justice, at the place we are.


Again massive police attack and execution of People’s Front member Günay Özarslan in Istanbul/Bagcilar

This morning, 24th July 2015, the AKP government in Turkey ordered again massive police raids on several houses of revolutionaries and democratic, socialist institutions all over the country. Hundreds of people were arrested. As to our knowledge this operation is especially directed against revolutionaries from the People’s Front as well as against supporters of HDP.

The operation early this morning was launched with 5 thousand police forces, 2 thousand anti-riot forces and special operation teams, accompanied by helicopters in 26 counties of Turkey.

During the raids the police assassinated People’s Front member Günay Özarslan in a house in Istanbul/Bagcilar.

The lawyers of the assassinated are not allowed to enter the scene while investigations continue and they also also excluded from the autopsy at the Forensic Medical Institution. This indicates very clear that the state wants to hide proofs for its murder and lay a plot. The lawyers of the People’s Law Office started a sit-in protest (watch video) demanding justice.

The Turkish media talk about an “operation against PKK, DHKP-C and ISIL”, trying to obscure the fact, that the AKP-government solely aimed at revolutionaries, while terrorist gangs like ISIL are equipped by the same government with arms and injured gang members receive medical treatment. Just remember the massacre in Suruc with 32 left victims. Water canons and tear gas earlier applied at the scene than ambulances. It was the same scene like in Diyarbakir during the election campaign meeting of HDP, where people were killed in a bomb attack and injured couldn’t get first care before being attacked another time with tear gas and water canons by the police.

One, who has a little idea about the harsh methods the AKP police uses against its opposition, knows that criticism to the government is mostly answered with violence.

The British citizen Stephen Kaczynksi who was arrested by the police, only because he was present at a the Cultural Center of Grup Yorum in Istanbul during a police raid on 2nd April 2015, is not allowed to receive any book, newspaper or magazine which criticizes the state. Stephen is on hunger strike for exactly 30 days now to fight this rights violations and isolation conditions, and his health and life is already under serious threat.

While revolutionaries and opposition forces to the state are tortured, executed and subjected to all kinds of human rights violations only because of democratic protest, ISIL members are arrested proforma and not even handcuffed during their arrest.

Therefore the address of the murderers in Suruc, in Syria, Reyhanli, Kobane and Diyarbakır is the same as of the murderers of Günay Özarslan.