Datum: 01. April 2015 / Erklärung: 444


Wir appelieren hier an die Richter und Staatsanwälte: Lässt euch nicht zu einer Kreatur der AKP machen












Date: April 1, 2015 / Statement: 444


You will learn what is the People’s Justice!

DHKC Justice and Justice warriors guarantee the future

DHKC justice warriors and Justice are honor of us

We do not implement the law and justice used as covering of fascism, but the people’s justice!




Front révolutionnaire de libération du peuple

Date: Le 2 avril 2002; Communiqué: 250

Dans la résistance qui dure depuis un an et demi, une 90e martyre: Meryem Altun. Elle s’est sacrifiée pour que son peuple vive librement et humainement…

C’est nous qui mourons. Nous, le peuple. Les plus braves enfants du peuple. En Palestine, en Turquie, dans les camps de réfugiés, dans les camps nazis de type F, c’est la même chose… Les combattants fédaïnes palestiniens marchent sur la tyrannie, le corps chargé d’explosifs. Sa maison ou son quartier-général est encerclé, mais le Palestinien résiste et tombe en martyr… De même, les combattants fédaïnes de notre pays continuent à marcher sur la mort dans les prisons de type F.
Que veut-on au juste? Ce sont des choses toutes simples, claires, incontournables, sans lesquelles il est impossible de vivre: la liberté et la dignité. Les Sharon, les Ecevit veulent écraser les aspirations justes et légitimes du peuple dans le sang. Dans notre résistance par le Jeûne jusqu’à la Mort, nous avons donné une 90e martyre. Elle était incarcérée dans la prison d’Ümraniye lorsqu’eût lieu le massacre du 19-22 décembre 2000. Après le massacre, notre camarade Meryem Altun a été emmenée à l’hôpital de type spécial à Kartal (Istanbul). Le 3 juin 2001, elle a fait partie de la cinquième équipe du Jeûne de la Mort. Le 31 mars dernier, elle est tombée en martyr à l’hôpital d’Etat de Sagmalcilar.
Nous continuons à mourir; avec courage, abnégation, avec un esprit de sacrifice sans limite, avec nos idéaux… Comment des hommes et des femmes peuvent-ils ainsi mourir? Comment peuvent-ils ainsi SACRIFIER leur ÂME? Toute personne un tant soit peu digne et consciente doit se poser cette question. Après réflexion, la réponse apparaît de manière cinglante, tant dans notre pays que dans d’autres coins du monde. Principalement en Palestine.


Est-ce que la Palestine est si ‘loin’ de nous? Les conditions qui y règnent sont-elles si différentes? Que voyons-nous à la télévision; les quartiers-généraux des Palestiniens encerclés… Les tanks et les grues israéliens éventrant les murs de l’édifice. Entre-temps, Israël assassine et arrête les Palestiniens cernés de toutes parts. Rappelez-vous les images du massacre du 19-22 décembre dans les prisons de Turquie. Fondamentalement, il n’y a pas de différence. A la TV, nous voyons des Palestiniens couchés parterre, déshabillés pour être fouillés, marqués d’un cachet. Pour humilier un peuple, les assassins sionistes font tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir. Maintenant, revenons-en aux prisons de type F situées en Turquie. Le 19 décembre, les détenus, dont certains avaient été blessés par balles, ont été torturés, puis déportés vers les prisons de type F. Là aussi, la torture les attendait. Les fouilles corporelles après déshabillement, ce sont des tortures “légères” direz-vous. Mais nous avons également vécu tout ce que les assassins sionistes ont fait: en Turquie, les tortionnaires ont violé des détenus avec des matraques, il leurs ont uriné dessus. Ils leurs ont fait subir toutes sortes de tortures inimaginables.
Dans les prisons de Turquie, face à cette barbarie, des détenus se sont immolés. Si les grèves de la faim durent depuis tant de mois, c’est précisément à cause de ces atrocités. Que dit aujourd’hui Sharon à propos d’Arafat? « Abandonne tes camarades et ton peuple pour vivre dans l’exil… Mais ton billet sera un aller-simple… » Sharon recourt ouvertement à l’humiliation. Il veut forcer Arafat à capituler, à vendre ses compagnons de lutte, à renoncer aux idéaux pour lesquels il se bat depuis des décennies. Dans le fond, l’imposition par la force des prisons de type F, c’est pareil. Au cours de ces derniers mois, nous avons déjà écrit ces phrases des dizaines de fois. Seulement, dans ces phrases, il y avait deux différences: à la place d’Arafat, c’étaient les détenus révolutionnaires et à la place de Sharon, il y avait le ministre de la justice, Sami Türk.
A travers les prisons de type F, on veut imposer aux révolutionnaires de Turquie, une capitulation et une humiliation similaires. Souvenez-vous : d’après les circulaires de Sami Türk, pour que les détenus puissent bénéficier « d’espaces communs » pour trois à cinq personnes, il fallait qu’ils prouvent leur « docilité » et leur degré de « réhabilitation ». Durant les visites, on vous fouille les chaussures… durant les visites de l’avocat, on vous déshabille… durant les recensements, on doit se mettre au garde-à-vous… C’est contre cette humiliation, ce déshonneur, contre cette politique de capitulation et de repentence que notre résistance se poursuit. Tant que cette campagne d’assujetissement durera, notre résistance se poursuivra sous diverses formes. Meryem Altun et ses camarades sont des combattants fédaïnes qui se sont sacrifiés pour que notre peuple vive librement dans une patrie indépendante. Ils meurent pour que des générations futures connaissent l’indépendance et la liberté.

Pour détruire l’infrastructure du terrorisme : atrocités en Palestine
Pour détruire l’infrastructure du terrorisme : prisons de type F en Turquie
Pour détruire l’infrastructure du terrorisme : massacres en Afghanistan

Sharon déclare vouloir « assécher les sources du terrorisme » pour justifier son attaque contre le peuple palestinien. L’oligarchie de notre pays avait évoqué les mêmes raisons : les prisons alimentent et dirigent le terrorisme… disaient-ils.
Après le massacre des 19-22 décembre, le ministre de la justice et le porte-parole de l’état-major avaient déclaré, « nous avons porté un grand coup au terrorisme ». Le prétexte de Bush pour attaquer l’Afghanistan était le même.
Voyez donc ce que l’on fait pour assécher les sources du terrorisme. Les territoires palestiniens sont transformés en camps nazis, leurs maisons sont transformées en prisons, les exécutions se font à la chaîne, … Le 19 décembre, à la prison Bayrampasa à Istanbul, six femmes ont été brûlées vives… les raisons sont les mêmes. A la prison d’Ümraniye et de Çanakkale, les détenus avaient été assassinés par balles ou au moyen de bombes fumigènes… les raisons étaient les mêmes. Rappelez-vous les scènes apparues sur les écrans télévisés entre le 19 et le 22 décembre. Minutieusement sélectionnées par l’état-major de l’armée, ces images ne montraient que le millième de ce que les détenus avaient subi. Mais même cet échantillon de choix a suffisamment révélé la dimension de l’horreur. Les 20.000 bombes lancées sur les détenus sont en soi, assez explicites… les raisons étaient les mêmes. Les bombes pleuvent sur les villageois aghans déjà terrassés par la pauvreté. Des milliers d’Afghans sont assassinés… Les raisons sont les mêmes. Quand on dit terrorisme, le temps s’arrête ou plutôt, les tyrans croient qu’il s’arrête. En réalité, tout le monde commence à s’interroger sur cette démagogie minable. Une remise en question qui commence avec la réalité palestinienne. Tôt ou tard, elle parcourra notre pays. Tôt ou tard, la période de légitimisation, par la démagogie, des prisons de type F, des cellules d’ISOLEMENT et de GUANTANAMO prendra fin. Car le terrorisme des impérialistes et de ses collaborateurs est tel qu’il transcende leur propre démagogie au point de la rendre inefficace. Le prétexte de l’assèchement des sources du terrorisme est devenu un véritable euphémisme pour désigner la terreur impérialiste contre le peuple qui, de jour en jour, se révèle être plus féroce et plus meurtrière.


La famille de Meryem Altun vivait en Angleterre. Elle aussi, vécut sept ans en Angleterre. Sept années durant lesquelles elle milita. Mais pour elle, rejoindre la lutte dans son pays était le plus important. Elle renonça donc à la culture et au pain de l’impérialisme pour son pays. Peu après son retour, elle tomba dans les mains de ses tortionnaires. Lisez ce qu’ils lui ont dit: Tu es jeune et belle. Tu as vécu en Angleterre. Pourquoi es-tu revenue alors que tu vivais là-bas? Ils (ses camarades) utilisent toujours des gens tout jeunes, comme toi … Tu risques ta peau pour rien. Si tu parles, si tu reconnais avoir commis ce que nous allons te dire et si tu nous permets de te venir en aide, tu pourras retourner auprès de tes parents… Ne te démène pas pour rien… Elle refusa la trahison. Elle préféra mettre sa jeunesse au service de l’indépendance, de la liberté, du socialisme, de son pays et de son peuple. Dans les salles de torture, elle apprit à mieux connaître sur le régime qui dirige son pays. Voici un extraît de ce qu’elle a vécu dans la salle de torture: « Ils m’ont dit : ‘Déshabille-toi’ . Je ne me suis pas déshabillée. J’ai alors été déshabillée de force et aspergée d’eau sous pression… Ensuite, j’ai été suspendue par les bras dans la pièce prévue pour cela. Ils ont essayé de me retirer mon pantalon. Je me suis débattue pour les en empêcher. Je leur ai crié : ‘Ordures’… Ils m’ont battue et m’ont insultée. Ils m’ont tour à tour aspergée d’eau froide et m’ont suspendue dans un va-et-vient incessant… Ils m’ont ensuite plongé la tête dans un seau plein de saletés. De temps en temps, ils me retiraient la tête en me demandant : assez ou encore… Ce fut un cycle interminable de suspension par les bras (pendaison palestinienne), d’eau froide, d’asphyxie dans de l’eau sale et de torture psychologique. J’ai été emmenée vers une autre pièce où j’ai été tabassée. Les vêtements que je portais étaient mouillés et je tremblais. Ils m’ont sommé de me déshabiller, puis se sont rués vers moi pour me retirer mes vêtements de force. Ils ont dit qu’ils me violeraient tout en faisant des attouchements. »


Ce n’est pas la police israélienne mais la police de la république de Turquie qui a agi ainsi.
A la tête de cette police, il n’y avait pas Sharon, mais des gens, tout aussi connus : Çiller et Ecevit. Voici ce qui arrive dans ce pays. Voici la source de la violence. Voici la source des actions fédaïnes. Les combattants fédaïnes sont les produits de ces terres, de ces circonstances. Le 21 juin 2000, notre camarade Meryem Altun dit ceci à la réunion des volontaires pour le Jeûne de la Mort: « Je suis prête à assumer toutes les missions durant cette résistance. Nous vaincrons mais cette victoire nécessitera un lourd tribut… Meryem Altun est née le 18 août 1976 à Istanbul ( mais inscrite sur le registre de l’état civil de la ville de Kayseri). Meryem Altun fréquenta le lycée d’Ümraniye ou elle commença à s’engager dans la lutte pour les droits et libertés, mais elle quitta le lycée en deuxième année. Son frère Kahraman Altun, était un combattant de Devrimci Sol (Gauche révolutionnaire). Il tomba en martyr à Izmir en 1991.

A la fin de l’année 1991, Meryem rejoignit sa famille à l’étranger. Elle vécut sept ans en Angleterre. Là aussi, elle s’engagea dans la lutte. Elle fut arrêtée à deux reprises et connut les cellules des prisons européennes pendant six mois. A la fin de l’année 1998, elle retourna au pays. Elle prit part à une unité armée pour se battre contre l’opression. Elle savait que les impérialistes et les partis de l’ordre établi n’allaient pas docilement offrir un pays où règnerait l’indépendance, la liberté, la dignité et la prospérité. Voici ce qu’elle écrivit un jour: La victoire ne nous sera pas offerte. Nous l’emporterons en résistant, en le payant de notre vie. Aujourd’hui, Meryem incarne l’esprit de sacrifice et la victoire tant désirée.

Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi

Front révolutionnaire de libération du peuple


Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front

Date: April 2, 2002; Statement: 250


The 90th martyr in a year and a half’s war and resistance: Meryem Altun sacrificed herself so that her people can live freely and like human beings

Our people are dying; we, the people. For the most heroic among the people, it is the same whether it is in Palestine, in Turkey, in the refugee camps and in the F-Type Nazi camps The Palestinian sacrificial fighters march along, under tyranny, with bombs strapped to their bodies. Surrounded in a building, a Palestinian in his office fights and is martyred…. The sacrificial fighters of our country and in the F-Type prisons are marching along the road to death. Continue reading “MERYEM ALTUN SELF-SACRIFICE AND PALESTINE”


La mattina presto del 30 marzo 1972 un gran numero di unità di commando, unità speciali e squadre di polizia circondarono la città di Fatsa. Volevano arrestare i combattenti del THKP-C e del THKO e liberare gli ostaggi britannici sequestrati.

Era il momento in cui DENIZ GEZMIS e i suoi amici dovevano essere giustiziati. Mahir Cayan e i suoi compagni, fuggiti dalla prigione di Maltepe, volevano reagire a tutti i costi.

Il terrore della giunta del 12 marzo era ancora in corso. Dopo che Mahir e i suoi amici furono imprigionati, c’era stata una svolta a destra nel THKP-C. Ma la lotta non poteva essere fermata. Doveva andare avanti per responsabilità verso i popoli della Turchia, per illuminare la strada verso la rivoluzione e assicurare l’amicizia rivoluzionaria e la solidarietà.

Il 26 marzo, il THKP-C prese in ostaggio tre tecnici britannici nella base NATO di Unye. In uno degli edifici da cui hanno sequestrato i tecnici, è stata lasciata una dichiarazione scritta con la richiesta di annullare entro 48 ore le esecuzioni previste dallo stato turco. Altrimenti gli agenti britannici sarebbero stati puniti.

Nell’edificio dei tecnici, tre delle persone sono state prese in ostaggio, mentre il resto è stato legato e lasciato sul posto. Poi Mahir Cayan, Cihan Alptekin, Ertugrul Kurkcu, Hudai Arikan, Ertan Saruhan, Ahmet Atasoy e Nihat Yilmaz hanno preso i veicoli dei tecnici e si sono diretti a Kizildere.

Con il freddo e il vento, la sera raggiunsero il villaggio. Era il 27 marzo 1972. Con gli ostaggi, si recarono a casa del sindaco di Kizildere. La polizia aveva scoperto l’azione la mattina del 27, quando un altro tecnico britannico visitò l’edificio e trovò legati quelli che erano stati lasciati. Tutte le unità militari sono state mobilitate. Aerei ed elicotteri cominciarono a cercare nella zona.

Sulla strada tra Fatsa e Niksar ci sono state operazioni e arresti. Poiché tutti gli indizi indicavano la zona di Kizildere, il 30 marzo i gendarmi si sono recati dal sindaco per ottenere informazioni. Egli ha rilasciato loro una dichiarazione scritta che era stata preparata e lasciata dai ricercati.
La casa fu rapidamente circondata. Ben presto l’intero villaggio fu bloccato. Nella casa c’erano i membri del THKP-C Mahir Cayan, Sinan Kazim Ozudogru, Hudai Arikan, Ertan Saruhan, Saffet Alp, Sabahatin Kurt, Nihat Yilmaz, Ahmet Atasoy e Ertugrul Kurkcu, e i membri del THKO Cihan Alptekin e Omer Ayna. Dopo una breve valutazione della situazione, hanno preso decisioni veloci, chiare e definitive.

Non si arrenderanno.
Come è stato affermato in un ultimatum, gli ostaggi sarebbero stati puniti se le loro richieste non fossero state accolte e se fossero stati uccisi. Avrebbero lottato fino alla fine.

Questa è stata la decisione, anche se questa li avesse portati alla morte.

All’ingresso e all’uscita della casa misero sacchi di farina e armadietti. Usarono fori sul tetto per sorvegliare l’area circostante. Il nemico gli disse di arrendersi. La loro risposta rimase immutata.

Migliaia di soldati e poliziotti stavano circondando il quartiere. Alle 14:00 hanno chiesto alle persone sotto assedio di vedere gli ostaggi britannici attraverso i fori del tetto, in modo da poter parlare brevemente con loro. Mahir e i suoi compagni hanno acconsentito.

Poco dopo, Mahir Cayan, Cihan Alptekin, Ertugrul Kurkcu e Saffet Alp si arrampicarono sul tetto per parlare con i perdenti. Quest’ultimi, tuttavia, hanno fatto fuoco contro di loro con delle mitragliatrici.

È arrivato il crepuscolo. Il nemico vuole annientare i quadri che hanno circondato e comincia a sparare incessantemente alla casa. È a questo punto che uno degli eroi viene colpito alla testa. È Mahir Cayan.

Aveva svolto un ruolo fondamentale nella creazione del THKP-C e nello svolgimento delle azioni militari, conducendoci sulla strada della rivoluzione. E fu il primo a morire a Kizildere.

Tuttavia, i nostri compagni hanno continuato a resistere. Il leader viene ucciso a colpi di arma da fuoco, ma nessuno pensa di arrendersi. Dopo la morte di Mahir, gli ostaggi britannici vengono puniti come era stato annunciato.

Il nemico usa armi pesanti contro la casa. Proiettili di mitragliatrici trafiggono le pareti di calce. Omer Ayna viene colpito negli occhi. Cihan Alptekin è ferito all’addome. Il nemico cessa brevemente il fuoco e fa un altro appello ai combattenti per farli arrendere. Quest’ultimi, con i loro morti e feriti, stanno ancora lottando e si rifiutano di parlare. Aspettano sull’ingresso di casa, con le granate in mano, pronti per il successivo attacco del nemico.

Bombe e razzi sparati a distanza hanno colpito l’ingresso. La maggior parte dei combattenti del THKP-C e THKO cadono in questo frangente. Dal momento che non ci sono più spari provenienti dalla casa, il nemico la tempesta e colpisce a morte Saffet Alp, che è sdraiato a terra ferito.
In questo giorno, il sole di Kizildere tramonta avvolgendo i cadaveri di 10 rivoluzionari. Ad eccezione di Ertugrul Kurkcu, che si è nascosto in una bancarella, sono tutti morti. Il sangue dei rivoluzionari sfocia nel fiume a Kizildere, ma scorre nella direzione della rivoluzione. È un fiume in piena.

A coloro che speravano che il fiume potesse essere fermato, qualche anno dopo, gli slogan dei giovani dicevano altro: “Avanti sulla strada del Manifesto di Kizildere” e “La nostra strada è la strada di Mahir Cayan e dei suoi compagni”.

Kizildere non era la fine…
La battaglia è andata e andrà avanti!


30 Maart 1998 was de vierde verjaardag van de oprichting van het Revolutionair Volksbevrijdingspartij-front. Het was tevens de 26ste jaardag van het verzet in Kizildere wat wij beschouwen als het manifest van de revolutie in Turkije. Om het karakter en de strategie van onze partij en ons front beter te kunnen begrijpen zullen we een serie maken over de geschiedenis van de afgelopen drie decennia in Turkije, vanaf het verschijnen van de THKP-C tot het heden, de ontwikkeling van de DHKP-C belichtend. Continue reading “DE THKP-C, DEVRIMCI SOL EN DE DHKP-C”



In 1996 a 28-part series, “Action Teaches”, was published in Turkish. It sought to educate revolutionaries about the armed struggle and the political struggle. Concrete examples of past actions were described and examined in detail. Selections from these are being published in the English-language Devrimci Sol. In the previous issue, the lessons of an ambush carried out against a police bus in 1992 were examined.
In this issue, the 1980 punishment of Nihat Erim is described. He was prime minister of Turkey following the 1971 military coup which was a response to the revolutionary upsurge at that time. The crackdown which claimed the lives of many revolutionaries happened during his tenure in office. Revenge was not immediate, but eventually Nihat Erim could not escape it.


In the summer of 1980 the information that Nihat Erim was staying in Dragos reached the movement. After some research and observation the information proved to be correct. So the movement ordered observation to be stepped up. To do this the responsible comrade together with a female comrade observed the flat of Nihat Erim for the space of a week. The female comrade was there for camouflage and only got a hint that there was some general research to be done in this area. To be inconspicious the comrades wore beach clothes and acted like a married couple.
There was no place opposite Erim’s villa where it was possible to stay for a couple of hours, so the comrades had to promenade up and down the street. Observation showed that Nihat Erim lived in this house together with his wife and a female servant, and he left the villa on very few occasions. The villa was very large and situated in quiet surroundings. To leave the municipal district Erim had a chauffeur who was also his bodyguard. He always drove the same way, via Cevizli railway station, to the municipal district. To get to Maltepe they used the same route for security, because in Cevizli railway station there was a military commando consisting of five persons and on the same way a civil police car patrolled now and then. In addition to that, a military car with 15-20 soldiers which was sent out in as a form of mobile security under state of emergency conditions patrolled the areas of Maltepe, Cevizli and Kartal. Every day between 1045 and 1100 Nihat Erim set out for Deniz Kulubu (1) together with his bodyguard to do some swimming in the sea. To get into the area you have to be a member, but people who live outside of the municipal district can’t get membership. On the opposite side of the club there’s a security guard. The distance between Erim’s villa and the club is about 400-500 metres. There are only a few streets and a sizeable number of villas. It was decided to punish Nihat Erim, the responsible person for the massacre on March 30, 1972 in Kizildere, the execution of Deniz, Yusuf and Hüseyin (2), and the physical elimination of the leading cadres of THKP-C (3) and THKO. Four cadres of the Armed Revolutionary Units (SDB) and the Armed Team against the Fascist Terror (FTKSME) were chosen. Another member of the FTKSME was made responsible for organising a car. When he handed over the car to the action group, one week before the action, his mission was completed. After all the information was evaluated at the meeting of the action group the responsible comrade chose plan number one of the options on offer. After that the different tasks of the action were distributed to the comrades. According to the plan Anadol would drive the car and another comrade would take over the responsibility for securing the area where the action took place. The comrade in charge of the action and another comrade would punish Nihat Erim. The plan was to put the bodyguard out of action and disarm him. If Erim’s wife was there she was not to be harmed. According to plan number one the action would take place in front of the Deniz Kulubu. If Erim’s car reached the club and he had got out the action would begin. Two 14-round Browning pistols, as well as two 7.65 Brownings were chosen for the action. There was a second plan. In the event that something unforeseen should happen in front of the Deniz Kulubu at the moment of the action, Erim’s car was to be raked with fire on the way, but only if his wife wasn’t in the car. As a third and secondary plan they had thought about punishing Erim when he left his house, on the main street, but the likelihood of this plan being implemented was small.

The first day of the action

According to the plan, during the night, a comrade showed up with the car and began to clean it.
At about 10 in the morning two comrades who had been waiting at the railway station went to the beach. Each of them had a bag with sun oil, a bath towel and other bathing gear. The fourth comrade in the team came from the direction of Maltepe, but this comrade carried a gun behind his back, and three more in his bag together with the bathing gear. When the comrade had nearly reached the beach he recognised that a political police car was slowly driving behind him. The comrade was on full alert. He acted inconspicuously, just like a boy who is on his way to the beach. So the police car drove past. Four persons met at the beach. At 1045 they headed for the Deniz Kulubu to carry out a check. The police car was still nearby so the action was postponed until the next day. They returned to the beach and after a short while they left the area.

The second day:

On the second day the team, which met directly at the beach, waited for Erim to leave his house in his car. Erim left his house ten minutes later than usual. To be inconspicious the comrades had a chat with some people nearby. They saw that Erim took a shorter way to the beach, so it took him less time to reach the club. There were two possibilities, either to wait at the entrance, or to postpone the action until the next day. It was decided not to wait at the entrance, because that could have been conspicuous.

The third day:

It was decided to use the second plan.The team would rake him with fire on the crossing, where the street to Tekel meets with the first parallel street. They saw that Erim left his house. A comrade behaved like a pedestrian and carried out observation duties. The car waited nearby, but from the other direction a car with women and children came to the crossing and so the action was postponed.

The fourth day:

The next morning the team met at the cafe at the railway station. They had some tea and left the cafe behaving like construction workers, saying things like, “They are waiting for us at the building site.” Shortly after, Anadol’s car was parked next to the beach. The comrade who was responsible for the driving headed for the beach. The other two comrades did some swimming in the sea.

The comrade with the weapons arrived shortly after that, bringing with him the bag with the gun. He put the bag in a safe place where he could see it and then he went swimming too. Ten minutes later they left the water and began a conversation about their girlfriend, a conversation which would attract no attention on the beach. “My girl will arrive soon. We met yesterday and we quarrelled with her brother.” They put their clothes on. After they had hid the gun behind their backs, then headed for Tekel Street in groups of two. Two of them went to the car and began to clean it. Two went to a kiosk nearby and had some Coke and ice cream. The kiosk was a good position to observe Erim’s house. They waited until Erim left his house. He left it at 1050. The operation started. The comrade parked the car at some distance from the Deniz Kulubu. He opened the door and behaved like he was waiting for his girlfriend. Two comrades waited next to the club discussing if they could go to the beach there. The comrade who secured the area waited nearby, next to some tennis players. It took them five minutes to get to their positions. Just before Erim’s car reached the club the beach security guard came up to the two comrades next to the club and asked them what they were doing there. It wasn’t permitted to walk around here. The comrades made jokes and started a discussion. They said that they wanted to go to the beach and tried to make him go away. They told him to go and ask at the club if it was forbidden to enter the beach area here. That was the moment when Erim’s car arrived at the club. The bodyguard, Ali Kartal, got out of the car first. He opened the door for Erim. When Erim had left the car his bodyguard saw the two comrades and told them, “What are you doing here, go away” The comrade responsible for the operation, came up to him and said: “Where are we supposed to go, we can go anywhere we want to.” When the second comrade came up too, the bodyguard tried to draw his weapon. The responsible comrade warned him to put it away, but he wouldn’t listen, and drew his 14-shot Browning. When he tried to shoot, two bullets brought him to the ground and he dropped his gun. Then Erim was punished. His wife came out of the car crying out loudly. She wasn’t harmed. The bodyguard had got involved at the last moment, he wasn’t the target, but he was punished too. The fighters took the bodyguard’s weapon and left a leaflet next to Erim, in which the operation was explained. Then they headed for the car. First the two comrades, then the driver, and lastly the comrade who had secured the area. The car drove up the hill with great speed, heading for Maltepe. After 200 metres they saw a military car with 15-20 soldiers coming up in front of them, heading in the opposite direction. There was very little room left on the street. Either they would risk an accident to get by the military car, or they would lose precious time waiting for it to drive by. Of course Anadol would have had to get out of the way under the martial law situation, but the decision was made to drive by at full speed. They pulled their weapons and the responsible comrade shouted the order to the driver: “Full speed” They drove by and left the area before the soldiers could understand what had happened. It took them five minutes to leave the municpal district. First the comrade who was responsible for the weapons left the car, taking the guns with him. At some distance, in Maltepe, the other three comrades left the car. In the evening they met to discuss the operation. Another enemy of the peoples of Turkey had been called to account. The lesson which was drawn

In relation to the strength of the revolutionary will, all the enemies of the people are weak.

He was one of the public enemies who was condemned in songs like: “Erim erim erizesin – may you get awfully thin.” The blood of the revolutonaries, the mourning of the people will cause revenge to be taken even if years go by first. The punishment of Erim was a new historical confirmation of that fact.
The punishment of Nihat Erim was, in the historical situation, like the punishment of Sabanci today, an operation which was welcomed by the people. When the people who had composed songs like: “Erim erim eriyesin, sürüm sürüm sürünesin – may you get awfully thin, may you have an awful life,” heard of the action against him, they felt relieved. The fear of the oligarchy increased, and they said what they say today, “Who can face up to terror?”
On this day different scenarios were drawn. The TKP (Communist Party of Turkey) and its associates, who regard the armed struggle itself as a provocation, couldn’t say a thing, even if they thought the same way.
On the whole, theories of provocation and conspiracy were not as widespread as today. Compared to today’s vagueness, when nobody knows who is defending what and why, in those days there was some clarity on the left.
When heads started to get confused and started to foul up, theories of provocation and conspiracy started to spread. The followers of the DY (Devrimci Yol, Revolutionary Path) for example, had much sympathy with the act of punishment. The leaders of DY, on the other hand, disparaged the operation before the courts of the junta, comparing it to fascist assassinations. Their foulness started in those days, and deepened up to the present day.
Basically the area and the house of Erim was secure. There was only one bodyguard, but the area was full of police and military forces. They were responsible for protecting Erim. In this way the area promised security, and was nearly isolated. But they didn’t reckon with the courage and creativity of the revolutionaries.
Oh how beautiful it would be, you who would splash in the blood of the people, the revolutionaries, and be proud about being a hammer beating down on the heads of the people. And later on, you would live in prosperity in your villa, with a nice view of the sea. No, it can’t be allowed. Those who are looking for and believe in the “provocations and plots”, and see the punishment of Erim or Sabanci in that light, and who have doubts, thinking that “revolutionaries could not succeed”, these people are standing well outside the rage of the peoples; essentially these people do not accept the people’s right to demand a reckoning. And of course they have no idea of the creativity, courage and willpower of revolutionaries.

The security the oligarchy promises the representatives of monopolism, the ministers, prime ministers, the heads of the police, the contra-guerrillas and so on only remains valid when the people and the revolutionaries aren’t well organised and are in a weak position. That’s the most important issue.
In those days the papers asked why a former prime minister only had one bodyguard, but that wasn’t the issue. Let us think about the act of punishment against Nural Ucurum, for example, as described in the second part of our series. First he had only one bodyguard, but when the operation of July 12 meant that information about him became known, he hired five of them. The outcome was the same.
No target, no enemy of the people is out of reach. The acts of punishment against Erim and Sabanci alone can prove that. These operations also taught everyone a lesson about the vanguard and the leadership. If a political movement declares itself to be the mouthpiece and representative of the people, but doesn’t listen to the songs in which the people tell about their hatred of the tyrants, then it’s all talk. We are a movement of the people. That’s why we feel the hatred of the people and that’s why we are as sure as the people that our curse will come true. Those who don’t believe in that should look at Erim’s death!


(1) private beach club
(2) These three revolutionaries of the People’s Liberation Army of Turkey (THKO) were sentenced to death and hanged in 1972
(3) People’s Liberation Party-Front of Turkey

This article originally was published in Devrimci SOL/Revolutionary Left/ magazine in May 1998.



In 1996 a 28-part series of “Action Teaches”, was published in Turkish. This series which is published in our magazine attempts to show the history of the Revolutionary Left (Devrimci Sol) to the DHKP-C, it covers thousands of revolutionary actions. Those who read the series will see that the “Action Teaches” series is not just an archive of historical facts, but that it is the foundation and principles of the thousands of comrades in the DHKP-C and that it also carries the aim of educating us as well. The military field: mass organisation, agitation, propaganda and the political struggle in the democratic mass organýsatýons, trade unions and other fields. The aim is to publish teachings, lessons, practicalities and nationalisation (appropriating private property for revolutionary use).  Continue reading “LESSONS FROM OUR HISTORY OF ACTIONS-Part I”